Five in the Quiver

Life's challenges . . . sometimes we seek them, but at other times they are forced upon us.

We trust we will rise to the occasion and prevail, although the outcome is never guaranteed. What do we need to win through? Courage? Determination? Persistence? A desire for justice?

'Five in the Quiver' is a collection of longer short stories by writer Ray Keipert based on the above qualities. We start back in time over a hundred years, then advance to our present century. While the various characters are drawn from the author's life experience, they are fictitious, unless publicly known.

A soldier's dilemma. A dangerous cult. The search for a stolen art treasure. Justice for a ruthless con woman. Critical events in Pakistan.

Yes, challenges a-plenty to be met.

May you be inspired by these stories and reflect on any personal situations you face. You too can be an overcomer.