
August 27, 2024

Released 26 August, 2024: Ray’s novel ‘Code 1990’

Cold War espionage intrigue that reverberates decades later where least expected, as the forces of democracy scramble to catch up. What will be its stunning climax?

To be launched at the U3A Art Show on 5 October, 2024 at Hawks Nest, NSW.

A Hand of Aces

September 30, 2023

Ray Launches ‘A Hand of Aces’ at U3A Art Show

Ray launched 'A Hand of Aces' at the U3A Art Show in Hawks Nest on Saturday, 30 September to a receptive crowd, with fellow author Norm Hawkes giving the new book a great recommendation.

Ray looks forward to promoting 'Aces' at other community events.

January 2023

News from David Gillespie, Federal Member for Lyne

Congratulations to Tea Gardens resident, Ray Keipert, who has won second place in the Port Stephens Literature Awards.

I recently had the pleasure of catching up with Ray and discussing his books.

I have been enjoying the short stories, “Life’s Winners… and a Few Losers’.

November 19, 2022

Ray wins second place in the Port Stephens Literature Awards 2022

For the past 20 years, the Lions Club has proudly hosted the Port Stephens Literature Awards to encourage creative writing. Some writers have later written books of their own and won prizes in the literary field.

In August this year, the Lions Club invited writers from all over Australia to submit a short story, no longer than 2000 words.

Ray gave it a go.

Ray submitted three short stories and two received places in the competition.

The judges awarded his story, ‘The Bequest’, (based on a true story), second place, and gave a Highly Commended prize for Ray’s ‘Top of the Class’ short story.

It chuffed Ray when his prize winning cheque and certificates arrived in the mail this week. Prizes are sponsored by Port Stephens Council, Club Lemon Tree, News of the Area and the Lions Club of Tilligerry Peninsula.

If you’d like to read the award-winning short stories, click on the images below.

November 11, 2022

News Flash - Fiction becomes Fact!

Well, sometimes life imitates art. Or fiction becomes fact. Just the other day (early November, 2022) the very fictional situation I described in one of my stories in 'Five in the Quiver' actually happened to the same real-life character involved in the story. I do disclose that sometimes well-known public figures are featured. So who is the character and what happened? Well, check the stories to hazard a guess. Otherwise send me a message!

September 10, 2022

The Weekend Australian highlights Ray’s book, Five in a Quiver, as a Notable Book.

Five in the Quiver by Ray Keipert. Self-published Short Stories 200pp. $20

'Ray Keipert is a former TAFE and high school teacher who retired to Tea Gardens. He has since written two books, the second of which is a collection of short stories, Five in the Quiver, loosely grouped around the idea of resilience and determination. "We trust we will rise to the occasion", he says in the blurb, "although the outcome is never guaranteed." The first of the five stories takes the reader back 100 years; subsequent tales bring the reader into the present century. Characters include a soldier wounded at Gallipoli, a young reporter sent to investigate a secretive cult, a conwoman, and a secret service agent. Keipert enclosed a lovely note, and he would like you to know that his book is available on his website.'
By purchasing direct from the website, the price is $20 plus postage.


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