Life’s Winners… and a Few Losers

When cast into difficult and sometimes threatening circumstances, or unexpected challenges, we all have a choice. We either sink or swim.

Those who succeed are the ones who rise to the occasion, drawing on inner spiritual strength to respond to the challenge or pursue their personal dreams.

Whatever the reason for their internal drive, many persevere, refusing to be swamped by events beyond their control. In experiencing life's ups and downs and overcoming them, they gain true satisfaction.

Yet along the road of life, we are bound to meet a few villains and those who have unworthy motives; people who turn inwards for their own selfish reasons, perhaps addicted to alcohol or greed, caring nothing about their fellow man, and all too ready to exploit.

Life's Winners ... and a Few Losers is a collection of 20 short stories by writer Ray Keipert. There is courage aplenty, inspiring the reader to remedy injustice, or to bring about change in their lives. While the various characters are drawn from the author's life experience, they are fictitious, unless publicly known or otherwise acknowledged. Friends' first names are two exceptions.

So if you've experienced a few losses and you're looking for inspiration on how to climb back on to the winner's podium, then this book is for you.